Hi-Hive Features

Ready, Set, Chat

Add contacts and chat right away!

QR Code

Add contact via QR code in second.

Always Connected

No log out is required as it ensure you're always logged in so you don't miss any messages.

Personal & Group Chat

Chat in a group or buzz to a friend personally.


Send season greetings to many contacts at once through broadcast feature.

Sharing is caring

Share various media files such as photos, location, contacts.


Enhance your conversation with cute emojis.


Voice Calls & Video Calls

Call your friend via voice call or video call without paying the phone bills.

Work efficiency

Send .doc, .pdf, etc files to your counterparts without leaving the chat app.

Buzz Community

Share your status, photos, videos, everything about your life to the Buzz Community.

Intelligent ChatBot

Chat with our intelligent chatbot to purchase items from our very own ThriftMarts store.